It Happened...
On October 6, 1989, two fifty ton locomotives and the loaded cars they were pulling derailed. This caused extensive damage to the equipment, trolley and railbed. A short circuit of the trolley wire caused a fire inside the locomotive rectifier. The fire was extinguished after an hour by using eight fire extinguishers
On April 11, 1990, a fire occurred in a transformer located in the track entry. The fire was discovered when the section belt stopped. Six fire extinguishers were utilized until water could be directed to the fire area.
On June 18,1990, a wedged shaped rock lodged between the belt and the take-up roller causing the belt to slip. This caused a fire at the head pulley and the second drive roller. Fire fighting activities lasted nearly an hour. Fire extinguishers were used while the fire hose was retrieved and installed.
Target Board for storing fire extinguishers and small equipment in a highly visible
and accessible location.
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS are often the initial resource for fire fighting activities. These devices, when used in the early stages of a fire, can provide additional time until fire fighting resources arrive at the scene. Fire extinguishers need to be stored in a visible location and be readily accessible.
Working Sections
Track Locomotives
Self-propelled Mantrips
Personnel Carriers
Welding and Cutting
Diesel Equipment
Electrical Installations
Fuel Storage Locations
Oil Storage Locations
Wooden Doors with Powerlines
• ALWAYS maintain fire extinguishers in working order.
• ALWAYS keep fire extinguishers well marked and readily accessible.
• ALWAYS remove extinguishers found without inspection tags and have them checked.
• ALWAYS have extinguishers serviced by a trained person or qualified contractor.
• ALWAYS locate fire extinguishers upwind of potential fire areas.
• NEVER put a discharged fire extinguisher back until it has been serviced and recharged.
• NEVER allow unqualified personnel to recharge a fire extinguisher.
• NEVER keep a rusty fire extinguishers in service.
Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep if you have to fight a fire with a fire extinguisher.