It Happened...
On June 17, 1992, an equipment fire occurred involving an excavator loading machine. Several attempts were made to extinguish the fire with dry chemicals and water but were unsuccessful. Finally, low expansion foam was applied to extinguish the fire.
On October 21, 1994, a mine fire occurred on the tailgate of a longwall. A grease seal failed in the tailgate sprocket causing oil to leak out. Heat from the bearing ignited the oil on the floor. Foam was brought to the area and applied along with fire extinguishers and rock dust to extinguish the fire.
Example of a foam generator in use
FOAM GENERATORS can be an effective tool for fighting a fire. A foam generator can attack a fire from distances up to 1500 feet and reduce the exposure to the immediate fire area. High expansion foam can be pushed into the fire area or parallel entries to reduce oxygen levels in the fire area and to cool the fire.
• ALWAYS train miners to properly operate a foam generator.
• ALWAYS use smoke-free air to produce an effective foam.
• ALWAYS have an adequate supply of foam concentrate for fire fighting capabilities kept at the mine site.
• ALWAYS match the flow ratings when using separate foam nozzles and proportioners.
• ALWAYS ensure that the foam concentrate is compatible with your equipment and water supply.
• ALWAYS operate a foam generator within the suggested pressure range.
• ALWAYS conduct periodic testing and inspections of your foam generators to ensure proper operation.
• ALWAYS remember that foam concentrate has a shelf life and expiration dates should be checked periodically.
• NEVER use foam concentrate that is stored in open containers or was previously frozen for fire fighting.
• NEVER operate a foam generator without pressure gauges.