Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Methods of Coal Mining

Surface mining is used for an estimated 40% of coal production. Used machinery equipment can be used to extract coal. Extracting coal is less expensive if it's found near the surface. It involves digging the earth above the coal line, or coal seam, along the contours of the hilly terrain.

Strip Mining: Strip Mining usually occurs on flat terrain. 
Mountaintop Removal Mining: Mountaintop Removal Mining involves using a combination of Contour Mining and Strip Mining. The mountaintops are removed to expose the coal beneath and the coal is extracted.

Underground Mining Methods
If the coal seams are too deep underground, then deep underground mining is necessary. Deep underground mining methods include Continuous, Longwall, Blast, Retreat Mining and Shortwall Mining.
o Continuous Mining: A machine that has a large rotating steel drum with tungsten carbide teeth scrapes coal from the seam. Conveyors are used to transport the removed coal. About 5 tons of coal can be mined per minute. Accounts for about 45% of underground coal production. Loosened coal falls on the pan line which takes the coal to the conveyor belt. Accounts for about 50% of coal production. Accounts for less than 5% of coal production.

o Retreat Mining: One of the most dangerous coal mining methods.
o Shortwall Mining: Similar to longwall mining. Illinois Coal Mining

The Illinois coal mining boom began during the American Civil War. Additionally, the coal companies actively recruited miners from Europe to flood the labor market and keep wages low. Moreover, the mining industry was cyclical and subject to uncontrollable economic forces: less coal is needed (or mined) in the summer months, so coal miners were laid off for much of the year. The first miners' union in the area was formed in Braidwood in 1872, and Coal City hospital thereafter.

Medicaid - The Canary in the Coal Mine
State governments can't afford to pay their health care bills. The Medicaid news is the canary in the coal mine. States can't pay Medicaid bills.