Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Has Led to Increased Prices For Heating Oil?

Home heating oil prices can sometimes change dramatically in a short period of time. If refiners, wholesalers, dealers and consumers have enough fuel oil in storage and temperatures do not drop rapidly, prices hold fairly steady (based on the price of crude oil also does not change much).

Many people would not take these forex robots seriously. You must have also heard about a few stock trading robots. If you have been trading forex, then you must have observed that most of the brokers now allow gold, silver and oil trading also from the same platform. What this means is that in addition to spot trading currencies, you can also spot trade gold, silver and oil.

Now, many people are only trading forex. They never try trading oil or for that matter gold. Trend starts in the oil market slowly but when a trend starts in the oil market, it can last for many months. Crude oil prices are about to explode again.

Our two main topics today are silver and oil. Oil is in everything produced in the world, period. I have called crude oil the trade of the year. * Silver is an industrial metal and a precious metal.
* Silver is cheap compared to gold. * Silver increased in price almost three times as fast as Gold from 4/17 thru 6/2. Gold = 13% vs. Silver 34.8%
Buy Silver to own, or trade. The Chinese rejected the price also. Iraq opened bids for eight oil fields, accepting one. Keep your position in crude oil! Oil may get cheaper for a short time, but it is still the trade of the year.