Monday, September 27, 2010

Transpot To The Magazine

The person who accompanies or escorts the explosive suppliers vehicle to the magazine is obligated to identify the safest and most direct route to be travelled on the mine site. Best practice is for the person escorting the explosive suppliers vehicle to use a selected high frequency radio channel to broadcast to other personnel and mobile equipment the explosives vehicles selected route to the magazine. It is recommended that a vehicle carrying explosives should not come closer than three meters to any type of radio or radio- wave emitting source.

The route selected should take into account the explosive vehicle’s ability to travel on unsealed surfaces. Certain explosives are at a risk of explosion by friction, shock or impact. The road base should be suitable to ensure that the movement of the explosives within the vehicle is kept to a minimum.

The explosives should be promptly secured in the magazine and inventory confirmed unless the site safety and health management system or procedure provides otherwise. In instances where delivery is to be made to the charge area the vehicle driver shall be accompanied or escorted by a competent person and given a direct and safe route and precise instructions of where unloading is to take place.

The vehicles used to transport the explosives are typically only for highway use. Consequently, such a vehicle attempting to access pit areas or steep gradients that mining equipment utilise presents an additional risk. Other vehicles, or equipment should never be used to push explosive trucks.