Is a valuable mineral separation process from its gangue mechanically produce products that are rich in valuable minerals (concentrate) and tailings (the products generally consist of gangue minerals). Profits made mineral processing:
1. When the distance between the mine to the smelter far, with the processing can reduce transportation costs.
2. Necessary to melt flux (added material) to bind to the gangue minerals Slag and Slag lower melting point. With the rising levels of processing, gangue and flux decreased slightly.
3. Capacity is limited, with the processing, metal derived from the results of more consolidation.
4. Metal Slag missing along with the processing of a few.
Based on the extractive industry and exploitation:
1. Ore / ore (metallic minerals)
a. Native = Forms unsure (Au, Cu)
b. Composition of sulfide = sulfide (PBS Galena, chalcopyrite CuFeS2)
c. Oxide = Composition oxide (hematite Fe2O3)
d. Complex = More than one valuable mineral (Pb, Cu)
2. Fuel (energy minerals)
Coal, oil, manganese
3. Extractive industry (non mallic minerals)
Utilized because of the nature of power, refinement and beauty
Importance of Processing:
1. Now many of the low levels
2. Many materials substitution
3. Environmental problems
4. Recycling (scrap processed)
Success criteria mineral processing:
Characteristic separation: there is no perfect, there are valuable minerals lost in the tailings, and there are incoming concentrate gangue.
To declare the success of a mineral separation process:
1. Recovery shows the separation efficiency
Number of valuable minerals in the concentrate
R = ------------------------------------------------
Number of valuable minerals in the feed (feed)
R = ----- x 100%
R = Recovery
C = Consentrate
F = Feed
2. Levels or valuable mineral content in the concentrate
Mass of valuable minerals in the concentrate
Kadar = ------------------------------------------------
Mass concentrates entirely
3. Ratio of concentration (concentration ratio)
The number of feedback processing to produce 1 ton of concentrate.
Massa feedback
NK = -----------------------
Mass concentrations
4. Economic recovery
Various kinds of mineral processing:
1. Kominusi
Liberate valuable minerals
2. Classification of particles based on:
a. Dimension (sifting)
b. The difference and the mass density or velocity falls within the media or the classification of hydraulics
3. Separation
a. Weight type:
*) Media solution weight (HLS, HMS)
*) Vertical flow (jigging)
*) The flow of the film (Shaking table)
b. The difference nature of magnetism
c. Electrical conductivity difference
d. Mineral surface properties, like whether or not to air
4. Dewatering
Thickening, filtering, drying
5. Sampling, material handling