Friday, September 24, 2010

Conveyor Safety Tips for Plant Operators

Plant operators are exposed to more conveyor hazards than most other mine employees. Conveyors are often involved in many mining deaths and injuries. You can help yourself work safer. When near this machinery, watch for conveyor hazards and work safely.

Conveyors can grab you
... don’t get caught up.

Working Smart
• Lock out the conveyor power switch and tag it before you work on that conveyor.
• Make sure guards are in place. Guards make conveyors safer.
• Make sure every one’s in the clear before you start the conveyor system.
• Align the belt from a safe place and only after you’re sure the conveyor can’t grab you.
• Re turn idlers look safe, but they can hurt you. Never try to fix or adjust them while the conveyor is running.
• Stay clear of suspended loads when install ing or repair ing a conveyor.
• Con veyor stop cords are for your safety. Check them periodically to make sure they actually work.
• Use a harness or safety belt and line when work ing where you can fall from a conveyor.

Safe Maintenance
• Don’t manu ally dress moving belts. Put only pressurized dressing on running convey rs.
• Don’t try to dislodge rocks from pulleys while the conveyor is running.
• Block conveyors against hazardos motion be fore repairing or doing maintenance on the machine.