Sunday, September 26, 2010

Policy And Commitment To Safety And Health

Without commitment from all senior executives of organisations such as exploration companies, safety and good occupational health in the workplace cannot be achieved. This commitment must then flow through all levels of the organisation.

The Queensland Government and the Queensland Mining Council showed their commitment to safety and health by establishing the tripartite Exploration Safety Working Group in 1995 to improve safety in the exploration industry. At its first meeting the working group adopted the following Statement of Commitment:

The Exploration Safety Working Group is committed to achieving maximum safety in the exploration industry with an ultimate goal of zero lost time incidents. The Exploration Safety Working Group will foster industry-wide awareness and cooperation in safety to develop an environment in which all participants can work safely and productively. This will be achieved by industry acceptance of safety standards and procedures as recommended in guidelines to be produced by the Exploration Safety Working Group.

The working group’s commitment was demonstrated by the development of guidance notes, presentation of awareness seminars, and the publication and dissemination of safety information. The group also provides encouragement and assistance to employers and employees, if needed.

To further reinforce the safety and health ethos, exploration companies and contractors need to promote a company-wide statement from the chief executive officer. This statement should send a clear message to all employees, suppliers and contractors that safety and health are an integral part of the management of all operations of that organisation.

A safety and health policy should:
• be in writing and be signed and dated by the chief executive
• clearly state the organisation’s safety and health objectives
• declare management’s commitment and determination to achieve those objectives
• be clearly understandable
• be available to all employees
• be implemented at all levels
• be reviewed periodically.

Management can show its commitment to safety and health by:
• providing adequate financial and human resources to cover safety and health needs
• providing adequate training to carry out work safely
• developing and adopting safety management systems
• involving all employees in safety issues relevant to their work
• introducing safety committees and ‘tool box’ meetings
• empowering employees to take the necessary action to improve safety
• providing feedback to safety requests
• reviewing policies and procedures as required.

Employees will be committed to a safety and health ethos only if they believe, and are shown, that the company itself is committed. They must be able to see that improvements in safety are being made and that policies are implemented in the field.