Thursday, December 9, 2010

Consider the Environmental Benefits of Underground Coal Gasification

Though much of this interest comes from financial worries brought on by recent gas prices, many people are truly concerned about the environment when it comes to our energy sources, which is why underground coal gasification seems so appealing.

The underground coal gasification process is poised to become the next major energy source, but a major component of its success is its reputation with the public. The underground coal gasification procedure takes advantage of natural resources already present in the earth, but that's just the tip of iceberg when it comes to its eco-friendly features.

Even if we could access it easily, surface gasification is harmful to the environment, as the process results in the release of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide. The underground coal gasification process also requires the use of less water than typical coal mining does. Instead of using outside sources, underground coal gasification maximizes our natural resources while decreasing the risk of contaminating the water we use. An added bonus is that the coal does not have to be washed, unlike with regular coal mining. The fewer materials and dangerous gases littering the environment, the better, and the procedure of underground coal gasification can be completed entirely below the surface.

Increasing interest in the environment's wellbeing has created a need for an alternative fuel source. The spreading of information about underground coal gasification can only help the process replace what we have now. A procedure that will decrease dangerous emissions, environmental cleanup, and wasted water while reducing fuel costs should appeal to everyone.

Procedures For Removing Mining Dust From the Air
The difference with dust control underground from that of topside mining efforts is that of the confined space associated with mining. In the coal mining industry, 33 percent of the coal in the United States is from mining underground. Practically all of these mines have flooded bed scrubbers to reduce the dust. The primary controlling factors in mining dust are the ventilation shafts and the use of water sprayers. Exhaust fans are also used to help decrease the dust. Mining dust will always be a problem as long as the mining continues.

Solar Power Companies, Manufacturers Mining Companies and Scientists - Who is Lying to Us?
Coal Mining Companies in particular have a lot of revenue to lose unless a 'clean coal' technology can be found that is workable and financially viable. There are other clean coal technologies being investigated but no one in any country has yet developed a viable clean coal technology. Most Australian Science projects, Research and developments are Government funded.