Monday, November 15, 2010

Carbon Emission Trading, Explained The Basics?

We've probably all heard about emissions trading but not many of us know what it is and does it really for the carbon emitted into our air to work reduction.

How does the emission trading system work? My take on this is that a government, how much carbon dioxide emissions in the air for each sector (business) could be sent. It then reduces the total by a percentage of their international obligations. Every industry has reduced as a result, the target or pay a penalty, depending on how much they are over.

Where emissions trading is that when a sector which reduced emissions below the level of fines, the amount is below the industry average (companies) that they either avoid penalties or emit more emissions to sell. Is not that how a woman abuser give refuge to a woman to compensate for beating his wife?

How are these industries (firms) suddenly reduce their emissions, which enables them to reduce their emissions, required not only by the governments lot, but enough so that they sell to other companies who can use them as carbon offsets. You would think that if in this way they would in a position to have to do before the carbon-trading scheme were successful. Problems with large (and small) companies I think there are some creative accounting going.

Apart from a very fatal mistake is that it affects the consumer. All companies have a profit so if the bottom line suffers because of the high fines, what they do, but they represent the cost of their product to you and me. The same is true for companies that meet or reduce their carbon dioxide emissions targets. If there is a price to do this, that negative impact on their bottom line again they put the price of their products to us.

So basically it is usually cheated by big business (I do not apologize for calling it scamming) that do nothing to reduce carbon emissions. A magic trick that is the appearance of reducing emissions, in fact, everything seems to have to do it, is a great way for new companies that actually prove to earn emission rights trading and money, probably to create the only winners in this.

So again with other things to emission trading system, we decrease took the wool pulled over our eyes, trying above all politicians, appear that they are doing something about global warming to do, but try to do it on so that the protest that monolithic polluter appease. Emissions trading is a non-event as far as saving the planet.