Sunday, November 7, 2010

Going Green Lifestyle: Alternative Energy Sources

The need for alternative energy sources is nothing new, but this time the urgent global level. People and governments suffering from the effects of unexpected increases in energy costs and concern about the scope of environmental problems.

Over history, we have seen changes in the type of energy. This early in 1200, people have traded wood for charcoal as deforestation occurred on site. used 300 years later, oil companies on the elimination of the supply of whale oil lamps to leave fuel. In the early 1900s gave ethanol from corn oil, the demand for energy.

When the world began to run on wheels and local through the air and seas, the need for increased fuel, including dry wells. As a result, U.S. oil for transportation, industrial processes and domestic needs has to import to move, finally drew so heavily on foreign oil, that is 58% of their range is now imported.

According to the latest statistics from the U.S. government, global energy consumption continues to rise in 2030 is expected to be the world 700 quadrillion Btu are needed to further proceed.

Switch or stay?

Besides the exploitation of our natural resources world, people are feeling the impact of rising costs for electricity and the rising cost of living. On the home front, this is in a dilemma when a family should be a priority, and certainly power is considered a basic need.

So what are the alternatives for providing the basics, but still offer the affordability?

As a result, many people see "green". The green movement is developing alternative energy sources rather than relying too much on the energy requirements for utilities. Alternative sources of renewable energy to generate electricity for your needs at a fraction of the cost of utility-supplied power supply.

The switch to alternative energy sources will take the time to act throughout the country, but if the energy landscape is changing, more housing and businesses are using alternative energy sources. likely to trigger the demise of the heavy dependence on imported oil. This is good for the economy is dependent on expensive oil imports, such as the United States.

These are very good reasons for the evaluation of alternative energy sources NOW.

Getting started, what alternative energy source is best for your needs - solar, geothermal and wind energy options.

Popular forms of alternative energy sources
Solar energy is a favorite of renewable energy to replace domestic energy sources. This option uses photovoltaic technology to convert sunlight into electrical energy. Solar panels produce only hot water and steam. Together these technologies offer the best energy for households. Solar energy has a very low carbon dioxide emissions compared to gasoline emissions from the same chemical compound which is partly due to climate change.

Geothermal energy is used to heat the earth's energy needs. drilled to capture this energy, deep holes on the level where a potential geothermal site is available. The escaping steam into a turbine coupled to a power source, where steam is directed into electricity. This is the best method for large enterprises and utilities.

The owners have to dig so far to enjoy the benefits of geothermal energy. The geothermal heat pump uses the stable ground temperature a few hundred meters below ground, provide heating and air conditioning. It can also provide hot water.

Wind energy is converted into electricity with wind turbines. Wind power produces a minimum 1.5 percent of electricity in the world. Currently, this is a popular alternative energy source in Denmark, Germany, Spain and Portugal.

Choose your alternate energy source

Note that it is not cheap to solar panels or geothermal or wind power investment to install - it depends on the amount of power, you need to power your house - but the reward is a lifetime later. You can also qualify for a federal tax credit if you are a resident of the United States, but offers many governments around the world incentives for residents to convert to renewable energy.

Talk to alternative energy retailer and ask them to give you the transfer of benefits supplied energy, alternative energy sources today.