Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This Why We Need Alternative Energy Sources

If you've ever had to speculate on just what you might suspect that the most popular renewable energy sources? Many people are sure to say, solar and wind energy. Although the use of clean energy solutions is certainly not a completely new technology, the green movement has much more to push the concept. But as solar and wind energy, will be adopted in the vernacular, why not choose both a lot more? I think the main reason of the failure of our significant dependence on foreign oil.

If you read this, America is spend $ 1000000000 per day on foreign oil. Two years ago, America brought in oil from nearly a dozen countries on the State Department Travel Warning List. They are Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Pakistan to find on the list. The security of the nation and the environment at risk because of our dependence on oil. Nothing happened oil threatens the environment more evident than today, the leakage from the Gulf Coast.

For three months, oil streaming from the floor in the Gulf Coast. On 13 June of BP was officially buried the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Somewhere around 210, 000 liters of oil from the ground. Since the amount of oil that would fill an Olympic swimming pool every few days. Numbers like that are good not good for the cleanup effort.

Back in 1989 the Exxon Valdez spilled 250,000 barrels of oil worth of Alaska waters. There are thousands of liters of oil off the coast, even after extensive cleaning. It is likely that the Gulf Coast even spill worse results, because the disaster is much bigger and much harder to contain. The future of clean energy sources very attractive, if a picture from the Gulf Coast.

A new survey from Stanford University, whose 1,000 U.S. citizens between 1 June and 7 June survey found that even three quarters against the new taxes on electricity and gas for the conservation of energy, 84 percent would opt for the federal government proposes tax incentives for promoting greater use of renewable energy sources.

Although the use of renewable energy sources is not unique, the renewable energy industry is the world still in its infancy .. But in the case that green electricity producers will be able to get about 15000000000 $ investment by the end of 2012, the industry as a whole a sense of equality with traditional energy sources. We are moving forward, and prevent further incidents like the BP spill, we need clean energy is a serious priority.