Saturday, November 6, 2010

Top Five Alternative Energy Sources

Fossil fuels such as oil, oil products, coal, etc. are the traditional forms of energy production in the United States and many other parts of the world. But these energy sources are limited, and today they tend to run away and we can not reproduce. Moreover, the consumption of these energy sources such as coal and oil took a major role in the pollution of the environment of our planet. This leads to many consequences, such as global warming, rising incidence of asthma and other serious illnesses increases. As a result, has alternative energy sources as a solution to this problem. There are many alternatives to fossil fuels, but here are four best alternative energy sources that are evaluated practical and valuable. 

1. Nuclear 
This power is the potential alternative energy source to fossil fuels because it produces large amount of power. More than 14 percent of global electricity production in 2007 came from nuclear power plants. But this kind of energy will congenital factors and risks that can not be ignored, so this is still a controversial option. This is because in the past problems with nuclear waste and this mode has terrible destruction. The fear of misuse of these technologies and materials is really in terrorism-ridden world of today generally ignored. If we do not use it carefully and under very strict schedule, the weather of the planet to ashes. 

2. Hydropower plant 
Energy from the water as hydropower known. This type of energy in many parts of the United States used. Electricity is flowing through dams during floods generated by turbines and makes sure they are running. Hydropower is one of the oldest and most widely used form of alternative energy sources. We can still grow water for a long time, because only a small part of the dams are built to generate electricity. Moreover, this mode 20% of the electricity for the people around the world. 

3. Solar Power 
This natural heat energy, which the man through the centuries. The problem is always gather in the development of opportunities and take advantage of this energy so efficient that they can be used long after the sun has been. Solar panels are used to collect sunlight and convert it into usable electricity. Unfortunately, today's conventional solar panels are only capable of about 15% of sunlight into electrical energy. Good progress has been made, though, so this is one of the most promising forms of alternative energy on the market. 

4. Wind Power 
Wind energy is an alternative energy sources that is inexpensive, easy to use and conserve the environment. Wind energy is generated by wind turbines or wind turbines. You can complete if you do wind turbines at the site of intense wind. Wind mills are easy to set up and the force of the wind makes them move, then electricity is generated. However, the wind is never on time, it seems unreliable option. 

5. Tidal power plant for coastal areas 
The naturally occurring water in the coastal areas a clean, renewable and inexpensive form of alternative energy. This mode uses the rise and ebb of the tides, which occur as a result of the interaction between the gravity of the Sun, Earth and Moon. As the tides is not dependent on the weather, their movements can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. The movement of the tidal waves is first filling of water reservoirs used. The water is then released through turbines generate the electricity. 

We all know that nothing is forever and fossil fuels are the same. We can not depend on this form of energy too much and too long, but it is very important because it can be reduced or even on foot. Alternative energy sources are necessary to our country to further develop approach for generating energy. These five alternative energies are just some of the many alternatives to fossil fuels.