Confronted as I am, every day I play World of Warcraft, the bizarre names Hawking WoW gold tone is to think Gnome.
Renei would never personally purchase of World of Warcraft Gold, and I have never spoken to someone authorized to take. Nevertheless requires the simple law of economics that someone, somewhere (probably a lot of "one") is buying WoW gold. If you look on this page, you will surely see ads for WoW gold. These paid ads are for real money, so there is money for WoW gold, which means that selling any purchase.
There are several moral and ethical problems associated with buying game currency (in this case, World of Warcraft gold) with real money.
The most obvious is personal. Your enjoyment of the game will be enhanced or diminished, when your character suddenly become very rich?
Well, everyone is different. I personally enjoy leveling and always rewarded for my efforts, such as acceleration, experience, skills upgrades, etc. This is pretty much the only reason why I play the game. Following again knowing death on mines with a 60-something mage and lay in a place that cause me so much trouble, well, that my time investment is what has to be made possible. Now if I could do the same character with all sorts of fun stuff for real dollars, the excitement and fun that would take maybe 5 minutes to complete. Maybe.
I understand that some people at 70, not like grinding so that you want to buy WoW Gold able to afford good equipment. I understand, but I disagree. Start a new character to do new quests, or you go out and throw around the ol 'pigskin.
My World of Warcraft experience for me personally to see progress and new skills, new spells, new quests, new areas, new ways of doing things. As soon as I show each class and race to level 70, I will probably cancel my account because to do anything new. Unless of course Blizzard comes with a different extension. Oh wait, are they?
On a game level, buying WoW gold has the same meaning for me than to purchase air breathing. It's all around me, everything I need to do is breathe, why should I pay someone?
But it is a serious ethical dilemma in connection with the purchase of wow gold. For example, on my server and a gold producer, the price of $ 46.59 1000 WoW Gold U.S. dollars, or $ 0047 per gold is. The price drops to $ 0040 per gold for larger purchases. Seems cheap enough, a poor 5 cents WoW gold? That's the thing.
You see, to buy gold seller Blizzard and gold in large quantities. On the contrary, I hope they do not do it. Instead, they earn in the game, from agriculture, vendors and auction items. Like you.
Now think of the 1000th time you earn WoW gold My bet is that it takes a while. The people who need the website to make profits. You should pay for heating, computers, electricity, Internet connections and WoW costs, and a million other things. What then remains, they have people sitting on the computer do the farm pay. I think people do not pay very much.
People talk about "Chinese Gold Farmers" for good reason. China has a huge pool of workers extremely poor people, work a full day Loose Change, which is in your pocket now. Probably much less. I'm not saying these people are not happy to have jobs, but for the same reason, we insist that Nike and other apparel companies are transparent in their production practices, especially in view of the child, as customers we have to insist on the same standards of WoW gold farmers.
You may think there is a difference between making shoes for a few cents an hour and playing WoW pence for an hour ... In fact, it is not so bad! You play WoW!
Yeah, right. How do you want Ice Thistle yetis farm 14 hours a day, every day for a month or longer? My bet is that you think it feels to work and no play.
For this reason alone I would only purchase WoW gold an "ethical" dealer, also a gold purchases only, and is not sold. If a seller says they buy gold and sell it for $ 20.00/1000g for $ 45.00/1000g, I will not begrudge him his victory, although the weather conditions of use.