Sunday, November 14, 2010

Your Business Can Alternative Energy Innovation To Compete With Coal-Fired Power Plants?

Not long ago, a gentleman from Oregon, who had a few sketches of a new alternative energy system, contact with our think tank, as he says the advantages of his invention and innovation with me. It was fascinating, I must say, in short, what I would call revolutionary. However, it would not be competitive on the market with natural gas, coal, or most of the other common and current forms of energy in our civilization.

So I was on the track, and I asked him a question I would ask if you believe you change the next best innovation in the enterprise world, and to save the planet from Global Warming (by the way, I am not to buy, C02 is a trace gas, it is not really a problem). Anyway, here's a short excerpt of my speech to him;

Do you really think we can get away from fossil fuels, especially oil or you are pretty much a realist and wants only our commitment to foreign control, because to limit our dependence on energy resources like oil? And genuine Ocean Wave Energy is more or less for electricity generation, not necessarily to handle in a position to transport fuel, and it will be well over a decade before electric, hydrogen fuel cells, etc., really needed a dent in the volume ? I think we have a ways to store hydrogen tanks, fuel tanks for vehicles and battery technology is a good way to go before it makes sense, and solar energy is not as efficient or less costly than alternative energy sources sound bytes do "believe us . make

Finally, we have a lot of coal for the beginning of civilization here, and in the future with clean coal, would not be the home and business energy problems of the free market the cost of alternative energy and the scale of prisoner the right technology, which means that of the subsidies can be done to grow without favoritism energy imbalance.

I then created a regional perspective on the production of energy issues and the environmental movement for Oregon, cap and trade "concept:" What do you think of the "known, I mean, you live in the Enron - Bonneville Power fiasco there Up in Oregon, if it all fell apart, along with Alcoa sells these energy contracts, while environmentalists cried about salmon in the center a few years of drought. "

By the end of our conversation, I think I woke him from his dream, he is now going to have to go back to find the drawing board and how to compete without DOE funding, with no industry funding, and the pure profit and ROI his concept in the real world and into the free market. Consider this.