Friday, November 26, 2010

Coal Explosions

Mining has been one of the great natural resources of many states and countries on this earth. Coal mining is the process of removing carbon from the earth. Coal mining involves many risk factors, such as explosions, landslides, and is considered a terrible occupation. Coal is a natural substance on earth and is widely used in the production of electricity. Coal appears to be difficult, but can be broken easily create lots of fine coal dust. Coal dust is suspended in air can explode when exposed to high temperatures and can cause black lung disease if inhaled continuously.

Coal is widely used as a fuel that lights up very quickly. Coal dust is spread in the air can explode if exposed to heat. When coal is burned like a pile that burns evenly giving a steady flame, but when broken into small pieces that quickly burned to ashes quickly. Like an explosion is just a form of fire, carbon reduction in fine particles can convert a column of air in a fire bomb. open pit mining involves risks and failures of the mine wall, vehicle collisions and underground mining involves risks, such as the collapse of the roof, gas poisoning, suffocation and explosion. About 50 countries worldwide are engaged in coal mining. China is the leading country in coal production and also leads in number of deaths in coal mines.

Many hazardous explosions of coal dust have occurred in the past and many mines have collapsed. Such explosions can also affect safety equipment and other support equipment used at the time of crisis. These explosions may even obstruct the workers tried to escape. Explosions can cause prolonged fires in mines operating for years. These explosions occur mainly due to the coalbed, which is caused by flammable methane gas. A mixture of carbon di-oxide of nitrogen in wet mines black causes. Asphyxiant and occurs due to corrosion around reducing the oxygen in the atmosphere. Surface mining in coal can completely remove vegetation, human habitat, and habitat of animals and destroying the soil fertility.

The dust that can still ignite harm miners. A disease called "Black Lung", which is the medical term as "Miners Pneumoconiosis" usually affects miners. This disease is caused by inhaling coal dust for a long term. Some of the fine sediments of coal stuck in the lungs permanently. These fine sediments accumulate in the lungs and create respiratory problems, which could even lead to death. Mortality rates due to black lung are more in the U.S. and China.

The mine owners are legally obliged or committed to the workers for life safety protection against the risks of coal mining. The explosions in coal mines and pneumoconiosis disease can be prevented if workers are equipped with sufficient safety equipment, adequate training and other medical procedures. coal miners should not have difficulty or suffering arising only to the negligence of employers. Employers are responsible for their safety.