Friday, November 26, 2010

Is There Going to be a Run on Personal Alternative Energy Generation Technologies Soon?

As coordinator of a task force that operates online, one of our jobs is to detect trends that are consistent with human politics (political primates call it here). This allows us to estimate a possible eventuality of a future proposal in our great nation. Not long ago, our focus group related to the generation of alternative energy staff that someone might use in your personal residence, business or personal, or perhaps even in small communities and family farms.

An interesting fact was brought to the table in this debate was, Cap and Trade, which we believe will increase the cost of energy faster than health has increased over the last decade or later approved ObamaCare (15%). As you know Health care costs have exceeded inflation by 10% year after year for quite some time. Yes, we had planned this all the time - we recommend you read some previous articles.

We also know that Enron, when it began trading energy, which caused the California energy markets to go almost hyperbolic, increasing the cost of energy. About 10 years before California instituted any kind of pollution controls through the AQMD, and energy costs for small, medium and large tripled. There were power cuts as there were during the days of Enron about 10 years later. Many companies were forced to leave the state, especially if they were involved in the manufacture of small.

In California, the state became more social, liberal, and as unions increased their strength, together with high energy costs, California, lost its economic power. It was not until the gold rush days of Silicon Valley that began to develop again. Silicon Valley shortly after it collapsed, Enron came into play and created a new situation of the energy bubble.

Now the U.S. government wants to follow the global warming alarmists and the European Union on an idea of Cap and Trade. Cap and Trade has not worked in Europe, and as soon as it started there was an incredible amount of fraud, manipulation, and all he did was to increase energy costs. In some ways they did not care because they were trying to create an alternative energy sector, and thereby create more jobs, and worked for some nations, like Germany, but in general it hurt the industry and work is a murderer .

Today, the free world has most of its industrial capacity in China, and many of billionaires around the world have invested there. Now China is polluting things at an incredible rate. Whereas in China says he is the leader in alternative energy, the reality is that building more coal plants faster than any other nation on earth, and its energy consumption is increasing faster than any other nation in the earth - yes, even surpassed the United States.

Okay so, back to topic. What will happen when we get Cap and Trade is that the "cap and traders" who become billionaires overnight, and run the cost of energy, as when speculating on commodities such as oil, and all consumers will pay more. When the price comes to be triple or even quadruple what it is today, there will be a personal run of alternative equipment to generate power for homes and residences - companies and governments, corporations and nonprofit organizations.

Therefore, it makes sense for you to buy solar panels now? Yes and no, because if you buy now you will not get the return on investment, it is possible that if you buy them in five years, when technological advances in equipment are much more efficient, and economies of scale that is less expensive. However, at the same time, if there is a run on alternative equipment for power generation, then supply and demand will keep the team in a higher price, as the price of energy will be permanently high, and could cause major problems of artificial inflation. Artificial, bad government policy caused, and had nothing to do with free markets - only manipulated laws, rules, regulations, and speculation on the new schemes.